At Mobilize, the entire HQ team has been so focused on moving forward and preparing for the next launch (in this case, summer 2017) that we haven’t had time to take a breather and look back on the our last season – Launch 6 from September 2016 to April 2017. We’d like to take this opportunity to thank all our Launch 6 Mobilizers for their incredible enthusiasm and hard work throughout our last season. We couldn’t have completed the season successfully without each and every one of you!
Here’s a peak into some Launch 6 adventures – just a few of the Facebook posts by Mobilizers…

Strong growth
With Launch 6 completed, we are proud to report that 60 business properties across the country have participated in Mobilize, with an astounding 450 Mobilizers deployed across these properties since our initial launch in January of 2015.
Look for new adventures this summer!
Now that summer is just around the corner, once again we have some unreal new placements joining the Mobilize program. Get ready! This summer we have 35 properties across the country taking Mobilizers! Visit our Facebook Page for weekly summer location announcements. If you haven’t applied to work this summer in our new Launch 7, it’s not too late. Simply apply today.
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