Yes, you heard right. Not only does Mobilize give you a full-time, paying job for your adventure across Canada – we pick up the tab for your housing, too. It’s one of the biggest perks of this youth employment program. A furnished place to live (with your podmates) in each work location, arranged by the folks at Mobilize. All you have to do is arrive and unpack.
Career advancement opportunities for recruiting millennials
Success factor #3: Give millennials career advancement opportunities
In our last few posts, we shared some of the insights we’ve gained into attracting millennials to hard-to-staff industries. Most recently, we talked about their desire to learn on the job – and how employers can offer them an educational, career-building experience, even in roles that have traditionally not been career-track. But millennials don’t just want to learn. They want to get ahead. In truth, they can get dead-end hospitality jobs at home. To attract young Canadians, you have to offer them something more: the secret to hiring millennials is giving them a chance at a future.
Ana Maria Garcia’s year of Mobilize adventures – her experience by the numbers
Ana Maria Garcia was part of our first deployment of Mobilizers, and at the end of December she completes a full year of work/travel adventures with Mobilize. Please join us in congratulating Ana Maria! View the full blog post to see an infographic snapshot of her experience.
Youth employment – the experience needs to be educational
Success factor #2: Offer on-the-job learning for successful youth employment
In our last post, we talked about making it an adventure. Next up? Giving them the educational experience they’re looking for. It’s not just a paycheque to them. They want to get something out of it they can apply to the future.
Meet a Mobilizer who’s been there, done that!
Love travelling? Want to explore Canada and get some work experience at the same time? The Mobilize youth employment program is a great way to do just that. Mobilizer Ana-Maria Garcia headed out west for her work/travel adventure this past January.
Temporary foreign workers vs. millennials: the experience needs to be exciting
Success factor #1: Creating an exciting work experience for millennials
In our last post, we talked about hiring underemployed millennials in place of temporary foreign workers. Since the Temporary Foreign Worker Program changed, looking within Canada has become the first, best option for filling labour shortages across the country. But millennials think differently – and require a different approach to capture their interest. So how do we attract this elusive group? We hit the road to figure it out.
Replacing Temporary Foreign Worker Program staff with millennials
Changes to the Temporary Foreign Worker Program have effectively shut down international recruitment for the hospitality, tourism and restaurant industries. Bringing in foreign talent is a political hot button – and not one that politicians or industry associations are willing to touch. The change is here to stay.
Youth Unemployment, Meet Labour Shortage: Innovative Mobilize Program Tackles Both Problems Head-On
The Mobilize program has just deployed its third group of young workers from the eastern provinces, sending over 100 Canadian youth to experience-building jobs in the west. After three successful deployments, it’s clear that this smart solution is filling the void left by changes to the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP).
Employer Webinar Video: “5 things millennials want at work”
Employers, watch this latest webinar to learn how to attract young Canadians to fill your labour shortages – and keep your business running smoothly all year round. “5 things millennials want at work” Opt-in To Watch Webinar Video Now Webinar Overview: The tourism, hospitality and restaurant industries are changing. Finding the right base of employees […]
Mobilize Sweepstakes: “Adventures should be shared”
Want to WIN a $300 visa gift card? Help us share the Mobilize adventure by visiting our Facebook page to LIKE or COMMENT on the contest post to enter to win – or do both to double your chances! Enter Now on Facebook Hurry, contest is only open for 1 week, until 10am ET on Tuesday, August 11, […]