Mobilize is solving some serious labour shortage problems in service-based industries such as the tourism and hospitality sectors. The program, launched in response to changes to the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP), helps labour-strapped businesses across Canada staff up with a continuous source of young workers from other parts of the country.
Living with roommates: 6 tips on what NOT to do
In our last post about roommates, we covered strategies for living successfully with your fellow podmates. But it’s also important to talk about behaviours you should avoid; here’s what drives roommates crazy and can cause enough conflict to turn your experience (and theirs) into a negative one.
Summer staffing: make cross-provincial recruiting work for you
Gearing up for a busy summer? Finding local labour can be a struggle, and doing cross-provincial or international recruiting has its own challenges. Join us for a FREE webinar that will help you find the staff you need.
Who, me homesick? 13 Tips for feeling at home when you’re far away
After deploying 160+ young Canadians to jobs far from home, we’ve had our fair share of homesick Mobilizers. For many, it’s their first time away for an extended period; in our first session, about 85% of Mobilizers experienced some level of homesickness. If you’re concerned that you’ll miss home a bit too much, we’ve compiled some tips from the trenches to help you cope.
Living well with roommates: tips from the trenches
Moving across the country and rooming with new people that you’ve just met can be intimidating, or it can be an adventure of a lifetime, where you meet new friends and create lifelong memories together. Figuring out how to get along successfully live with new roommates is pretty important to your level of happiness in this work/travel adventure. So here are a few tips from our experience with working with 160+ Mobilizers since the program first deployed in January 2015.
Sydney’s year of Mobilize adventures – her experience in pictures
Syndey Woods has recently completed her full year of work/travel adventures with Mobilize. Great job, Sydney! We are proud to have you as a Mobilize alumni. View the full blog post to see an infographic snapshot of her experience.
Labour shortage? Make it easy for millennials to work for you!
Success factor #5: Make the experience hassle-free
In the last few posts, we’ve talked about some of the challenges of hiring millennials – and how employers can use our insights to attract them to industries facing a labour shortage. We’ve covered the need to make the experience exciting, educational, career-focused and structured. In this post, we share the fifth and final insight gained from talking to and working with millennials: employers need to make the experience easy.
Updates to Mobilize Jobs program means more options for Canadian businesses and workers
After a successful initial year in the field, Mobilize Jobs has proven that tapping underemployed Canadian millennials is a viable alternative to using the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP) to fill seasonal labour shortages. We’ve learned a lot in our first year, with plenty of valuable feedback from participating businesses and workers. As a result, we are making a few changes to provide more flexibility for both employers and millennials on work adventures.
Meet a Mobilizer who’s building job skills in Banff
Torontonian Sydney Woods started her first year at York University last September, but realized pretty quickly that she wasn’t ready to commit to a four-year degree. “Initially my plan was to move to New York or out west,” she says. “But then I realized I didn’t really have enough money to go anywhere. So when I found Mobilize and discovered all I needed to pay for was my flight there, I was sold.”
Hiring millennials: provide a structured experience
Success factor #4: Create the structured experience millennials want
While examining what’s key to hiring millennials into hard-to-staff jobs, we encountered a surprising insight. They want to know exactly when they’ll start working, and more importantly, when they will finish. This desire for structure is one of the most interesting lessons we’ve learned about working with millennials while running the Mobilize program.